im体育APP provides EMC 和 广播/无线测试 服务 to help ensure your consumer electronics products meet regulatory compliance requirements. 凭借我们的专业知识和领先的技术, we can quickly 和 efficiently bring your electrical products to market from the R&D阶段到全球市场准入. 


的re is an expectation that when we pick up 和 use an everyday product, 它完成了我们想用它做的工作,而且很安全. To ensure this happens there is legislation in place that places certain safety 和 performance requirements on a wide range of products, 包括消费电子产品. 的 assessment 和 testing that is required depends upon many factors such as product type, 预期用途, intended global markets 和 is often governed by the st和ards or specifications that apply. 

确保产品如家用电器, 资讯科技及多媒体设备, 测量或监测仪器, 类似的产品在电气上是安全的, 做他们应该做的事, 而且要用安全的方式, im体育APP’s product safety 和 EMC test laboratories 和 their experienced team of expert engineers can undertake the testing necessary to determine a product’s conformity.



电磁式烹饪器具、电能表、可穿戴技术、 无线充电(WPT), washing machines all contain sophisticated microprocessor-based electronics that perform safety functions in some cases 和 have wireless capabilities in others. 随着消费电子产品变得越来越复杂, they have the potential to cause interference if they are not tested or certified properly.



im体育APP tests 和 certifies electronic devices, products, components for EMC, 电气产品安全测试,哈,太好了。 特别行政区, 广播/无线测试. This ensures that your product can quickly enter the global consumer 和 工业 markets.

除CE标志外, UKCA标记, FCC, 产品适用, 麦克风, 基本, 以及针对蜂窝市场的PTCRB/CGF等im体育平台app下载认证, 我们还提供 无线个域网认证.



电磁兼容测试 是许多产品在国际市场上销售所必需的吗. 这可以包括欧洲CE标志, 美国联邦通信委员会, 加拿大产品适用, 和其他EMC法规要求. 

We offer 电磁兼容测试 和 认证 服务 that are accredited 和 recognized by many global regulatory bodies, so one test produces results 和 reports that are accepted worldwide.



的 全球市场准入 team at im体育APP can help you get your products certified for export to different markets around the world. We can assist with obtaining the necessary approvals 和 认证 for selling in specific countries.



Electrical 和 electronic devices are thoroughly tested for their electrical safety, taking into account the types of people who will be using the product (layperson/untrained or professional/trained), the types of environment the product is expected to be used in (household, 商业, 工业, 医疗, 潜在的爆炸性, 等.), the specific hazards that may be involved (Liquid or Dust Ingress (IP), 激光, 可听噪音, 射频辐射, 加热, 电池充电, 等.).

im体育APP are accredited to a wide range of product safety st和ards meaning that we can ensure your electrical products meet the relevant product safety requirements for local 和 global markets.



的 requirements for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) for household 和 consumer products are just as comprehensive as multimedia st和ards. 当这些产品具有无线功能时, 它们还需要满足无线电(故意散热器)的要求.

我们被告知, 批准, accredited 认证 body that can help you test for most wireless technologies, 包括蓝牙®, 蜂窝(包括LTE), 近场通信(NFC), 无线网络, 和更多的. 此外,我们还提供 特别行政区, Over the Air (OTA), 无线电设备指令(RED), 日本无线电法测试 服务. 



im体育APP’s engaged experts help you evaluate your product to reveal potential issues 和 advise you on any relevant st和ard requirements in the early stage of your product development to speed up time to market 和 save you time 和 money. 

We guide you through the entire conformity 和 认证 process saving you money on administrative 和 project management costs 和 ensuring compliant products are delivered to market. 



具有多年的EMC工作经验, 广播, 及电气安全测试, a global network of UKAS 和 similarly accredited laboratories, im体育APP is your ideal partner to access local 和 international markets. 

For more information about our consumer electronics testing 和 认证 服务, 或者找专家谈谈, 立即im体育APP.




im体育APP's expert scientists support your RoHS compliance testing needs, including 2021 RoHS exemptions for 医疗 devices 和 other electronic equipment. im体育官方app下载

网络研讨会:CISPR 32和35 -什么改变了,什么需要重新测试

View this on-dem和 webinar to learn more about changes in the CISPR 32 和 35 st和ards for information technology equipment 和 consumer electronics. 了解这些更新如何影响您的测试需求. im体育官方app下载




Find out about im体育APP's comprehensive range of EMC service 和 testing capabilities in the USA, UK, 和德国.

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We work with Chipset Vendors through to those integrating radio modules to enable them to deliver their wireless 和 radio products to market.



im体育APP is the ideal partner to help electrical device manufacturers, importers 和 distributors obtain the fast 和 efficient product safety testing 和 认证 needed to trade their products worldwide.



Find out how im体育APP can help you with your stray RF energy challenges created by your near-field 和 far-field WPT applications.



Find out how im体育APP’s high-capacity 5G test 和 认证 服务 help you expedite your product’s journey to market.



im体育APP provides safety 和 认证 testing for rechargeable lithium-ion 和 nickel metal hydride batteries used in hospital 和 home health applications.



im体育APP's advisory 服务 deliver world-class strategies that steer systems compliance at the program management level.

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im体育APP works as your 全球市场准入 service partner to help you navigate complex regulations 和 get your products to market quickly 和 efficiently.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.